It is considered to be her greatest poem.The 72-line 'Agaval' is a form of blank verse, close to speech. It clearly brings out the mastery of Avvaiyar in the Yoga, tantric practices and Saivism, possibly derived from the contribution of Sidhas in Tamil Nadu and the Tamil Nadu Saivism. This prayer is an extremely popular one in Tamil Nadu. She is addressed as Vinayagar (he who removes obstacles) or Pillayar in Tamil. It was written in the 10th century during the Chola dynasty by the Tamil poet Avaiyar. Vinayagar Agaval is a devotional poetic hymn to the Hindu deity Ganesh. Vinayagar Agaval Tamil Audio + Lyrics app has been especially created for Hindu devotees.This app is the best treat for Hindu devotional music lovers particularly for devotees of Lord Vinayagar (Ganesh). Vinayagar Agaval Tamil Audio + Lyrics (விநாயகர் அகவல்)